Most asset management models are based on the PAS-55 standard, one of the most popular standards, currently replaced by the ISO 55001 standard. These models help companies get the best out of asset performance while simultaneously reducing asset time and cost.

The main difference between the two standards is that PAS 55 focuses only on physical assets, while ISO 55001 also considers financial and organizational assets .

In the framework of ISO 55001, the application of the Root Cause Analysis (ACR) technique is part of Phase III: High impact team analysis.

Application of Root Cause Analysis in Asset Management

In view of the constant demand for business development growth in companies, various techniques have been developed in maintenance to analyse problems (MDF, failure modes) arising in critical equipment and processes, the main objectives of these techniques being to minimise repetitive breakdowns and ensure greater operational reliability. Within these techniques, Root Cause Analysis is one of the most widely used methodologies to minimize the impact of failures and optimize asset reliability.

The use of digital tools is of great help when implementing Root Cause Analysis in asset maintenance. These tools allow to face several changes in the Failure Mode Analysis process and several options of analysis and process automation:

  • Modos de fallo basados en reglas automatizadas: Son problemas basados en reglas que dictan una respuesta única. Por ejemplo, si notificamos una avería sobre un activo de contra incendios podríamos disponer de una lista predefinida de averías “Retimbrado de extintores”.
  • Problems based on regulatory/preventive events: These failures depend on regulations that apply to assets..

Sample Root Cause Analysis questionnaire

To facilitate the process of defining and cataloguing MDF, the ACR method proposes that maintenance working groups select the problem and answer essential questions about asset management:

  • Definition of the problem. How can the air conditioning faults of a specific equipment originate?
  • What level of detail do we need? Information about equipment, components, accessories …
  • Is it a recurring fault? From the record of repetitive failures the manager can evaluate the repair or replacement of the asset.
  • Why do breakdowns occur? Identification of the origin of the faults. The ACR proposes to classify the root causes into 3 categories:
    • Cause Root Physics (CRF). This type of causes affect materials.
    • Cause Human Root (CRH). They generate MDF due to improper use of equipment by people.
    • Cause Latent Root (CRL). Causes caused by the absence of management, administrative processes or compliance with regulations.
  • Do you have a normative / preventive review associated?
  • What level of criticality do we need? Once the failure modes have been identified, we must define the level of criticality. Criticality can be defined by:
    • Damage costs per year.
    • Labor and travel.
    • Time for a repair.
    • Cost of materials
    • Impact on production

Once we determine the level of criticality, we can rank the failure modes according to risk value (annual maintenance cost).

Root Cause Analysis in Retain

Retain tools allow managing the phases of the rule that Root Cause Analysis applies in asset maintenance, so that the user has the necessary information to make decisions in the continuous improvement of asset management.

With Retain, the user has access to a catalog of failure modes that can be classified according to the criticality of the assets or the regulations that apply to them. You will have a global view of the status of your assets through the calendars for maintenance plans.

With the Reporting that generates Retain, you will know in real time the status of the assets and / or suppliers, the cost, the investment, the evaluation of troubleshooting times (both repetitive and non-repetitive) and in this way you can ensure a greater operational reliability. If you want more information, get in touch with us and an expert consultant will help you discover how we can help you