Retain Photovoltaic
Full Management of Photovoltaic Installations
We help you develop your photovoltaic installation plan covering the entire life cycle of energy assets, from the preliminary study to maintenance.
In the current environment characterized by the energy crisis and the problems arising from climate change, the use of photovoltaic panels as a source of energy provides companies with significant economic and social benefits.
Companies with a large number of distributed assets can obtain a greater benefit, having a large area of m2 available for the installation of solar panels.
Photovoltaic plan
In distributed environments with multiple dispersed locations it is necessary to establish a plan that allows to deploy the network of solar panels in an optimal way.
At Retain we help you to design and develop your company’s photovoltaic plan with efficiency, return on investment, regulatory compliance and maintenance optimization criteria.
Throughout the whole life cycle
Retain, in association with Retailgas, offers a complete PV asset management service, from analysis to maintenance.
We rely on our team of engineers specialized in photovoltaic installations and our asset management software platform to offer a comprehensive solution for the deployment and maintenance of photovoltaic installations.
We use Retain’s photovoltaic planning module to perform a preliminary feasibility and profitability study of the installations.
We analyze the existing subsidies applicable to the installation of solar panels, incorporating it into the feasibility study and assisting in the application and its management before the competent institutions.
Through Retailgas, we elaborate the project that best suits the needs of your company and the characteristics of the different locations.
If, for technical or strategic reasons, your company requires the assistance of different suppliers, we help you to make the selection based on your own criteria with tailor-made validation reports.
From the very beginning, we consider the different local and state regulations that affect your installations, both for the preliminary study and for the elaboration and/or selection of projects.
In addition, we take care of the various formalities and procedures necessary to manage the legalization in the life cycle of the facilities, supported by a team of experts and the most advanced platform for legalization of assets on the market, LLR.
We take care of the selection of contractors and project management to ensure the commissioning of photovoltaic installations within the estimated time and costs.
We manage the maintenance of your photovoltaic assets through our maintenance partners or by incorporating your company’s usual collaborators. The management through the Retain platform guarantees efficiency in the operation and maximum profitability of your photovoltaic installations.
In addition to the installation of solar panels, we can advise and accompany you in the implementation of projects of greater added value, such as the incorporation of charging points for solar-powered electric vehicles.
The implementation of a photovoltaic energy plan in your company has multiple benefits, whether economic, social or environmental:
We help you to reduce the complexity of implementing a photovoltaic installation plan, accompanying you throughout the process and ensuring the achievement of your profitability goals.
Retain Experience
In Retain we have helped in the implementation of more than a thousand photovoltaic installations throughout the geography of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).
Retain, our software platform, has advanced tools for energy efficiency management and calculation of photovoltaic installations, as well as the power of our CMMS, specialized in distributed asset maintenance management, and LLR, the most advanced legalization management tool.
Retain has national and international experience in large energy, distribution, and hospitality companies, among others, with more than 1.000 sites managed through our platform.
We also have the experience of Retailgas, an engineering company with more than 30 years of history, leader in the service station industry in Spain.