About Jesús Rodríguez

Jesús Rodríguez es ingeniero industrial con Máster en Ingeniería Química y Máster en Energías Renovables. Experto en Big Data y Data Science, está especializado en la aplicación de tecnologías NoSQL, aplicaciones Map Reduce, clustering, análisis estadístico de datos, gestión de contenedores y visualización eficiente de información. En la actualidad es responsable del área de gestión de mantenimiento de activos en Retain.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in Asset Management

By |2020-09-09T14:03:33+02:0001/02/2019|Asset management, News|

Most asset management models are based on the PAS-55 standard, one of the most popular standards, currently replaced by the ISO 55001 standard. These models help companies get the best out of asset performance while simultaneously reducing asset time and cost. The main difference between the two standards is that PAS 55 focuses only on physical assets, while ISO 55001 also considers [...]

How to reduce the cost and execution time of works with BIM

By |2020-11-05T10:16:12+01:0010/10/2018|Asset management, BIM|

Currently we could define two groups of work methodologies in project development: the traditional and the BIM-based. In the traditional methodology, engineering or construction projects are developed with departments that work in parallel and independently. The BIM methodology allows working simultaneously on the same project. In this case the operation for the development of the [...]

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