Digital transformation in the construction industry (AEC)

By |2020-11-05T10:01:55+01:0013/06/2020|BIM, Transformación Digital|

The digital transformation is present today, to a greater or lesser measure, in all industries and productive sectors. This transformation impacts on two levels: innovation in business models, creating new products and services enabled by digitalisation, and an improvement in operational processes, increasing efficiency and results thanks to technology. In the architecture, engineering and construction [...]

Integration of EAM/CMMS, key to the digital transformation

By |2020-11-05T09:57:26+01:0013/06/2020|Asset management, Digital transformation|

As companies implement new technology solutions to manage their operations and deploy their digital transformation strategy, information dispersion and dissonance can be a major blocking factor. Today, organizations use several different software solutions to meet their business and operational needs, such as maintenance, materials management, finance, purchasing, etc. Single solutions covering all areas of the [...]

How to promote the culture of innovation in the company

By |2020-11-05T09:50:39+01:0023/05/2020|Digital transformation|

When it comes to implementing the digital transformation in the company, we often encounter the problem that the organisation is not ready to innovate. However, innovation is the key to carrying out a real digital transformation that goes beyond the simple implementation of certain technologies. Promoting a culture of innovation in the company is a [...]

Asset management in the COVID-19 emergency

By |2020-04-23T10:41:38+02:0023/04/2020|Asset management, News|

In companies with a business model intensive in the use of business assets, management and maintenance of these assets is key to operational and commercial activity, and therefore vital to obtaining maximum value from investments. Facing complicated emergency scenarios such as the one we are currently experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the total or [...]

Main barriers to digital transformation

By |2020-11-05T08:52:43+01:0013/03/2020|Transformación Digital|

Although most organizations today are undergoing processes of digitization and incorporation of new technologies, there are still many barriers to digital transformation that they must face. However, for those able to overcome these barriers, the efforts of this digital transformation are paying off: a Gartner study indicates that more than 50% of CEOs involved in [...]

How to choose the best BIM software

By |2020-11-05T09:46:46+01:0008/03/2020|BIM|

One of the most important aspects when implementing the BIM methodology in construction and maintenance projects is the choice of BIM software suitable for our needs. In the choice of software, we will find different similar alternatives, but each one of them will serve a specific issue. Software alternatives for BIM The different programmes that [...]

5 recommended technologies for the development of SaaS management applications

By |2020-11-05T08:57:01+01:0031/01/2020|Transformación Digital|

Developing SaaS applications in the enterprise environment requires high standards to provide customers with the performance and security they need to trust their data and processing to a cloud platform. In Retain Technologies we develop a continuous R&D policy to apply the latest technologies in application development to our cloud asset management platform, Retain EAM. [...]

Digital transformation in catering companies

By |2020-11-05T09:13:08+01:0024/01/2020|Digital transformation|

Restaurants and the restaurant industry, in general, is a growing sector, where consumers today spend more than twice as much as they did just a few years ago. This growth has been greatly influenced by the impact that technology has had on the different areas of these companies. The whole sector, and especially the fast-food [...]

3 keys to address the digital transformation in the company

By |2020-08-05T12:47:55+02:0003/01/2020|Transformación Digital|

Digital technologies are rapidly and dramatically changing companies and business models in all industries around the world. Many organizations are traying to incorporate these advances to reap the benefits of these technologies. Another reason is that some of the competition is already adopting these solutions because what they do not want is to be left [...]

Strategic asset management: from process to data

By |2020-11-05T09:10:42+01:0024/12/2019|Asset management|

Enterprise asset management (EAM) systems are the evolution of computer-aided maintenance systems (CMMS/CAM). CMMS focus on asset maintenance and therefore on the management and improvement of maintenance processes. In this sense, we can say that a CMMS is a system based on processes, from which it is also possible to obtain useful information for asset [...]

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