Digital transformation in the construction industry (AEC)

By |2020-11-05T10:01:55+01:0013/06/2020|BIM, Transformación Digital|

The digital transformation is present today, to a greater or lesser measure, in all industries and productive sectors. This transformation impacts on two levels: innovation in business models, creating new products and services enabled by digitalisation, and an improvement in operational processes, increasing efficiency and results thanks to technology. In the architecture, engineering and construction [...]

Main barriers to digital transformation

By |2020-11-05T08:52:43+01:0013/03/2020|Transformación Digital|

Although most organizations today are undergoing processes of digitization and incorporation of new technologies, there are still many barriers to digital transformation that they must face. However, for those able to overcome these barriers, the efforts of this digital transformation are paying off: a Gartner study indicates that more than 50% of CEOs involved in [...]

Talent management in the digital transformation of the company

By |2020-11-05T09:42:57+01:0022/02/2020|Transformación Digital|

When tackling digital transformation projects, companies are constantly faced with the challenge of helping their employees evolve or at least keep pace with the technological changes that affect them in the performance of their tasks in their areas of responsibility. Besides, as digitalisation advances, it becomes more difficult to find professionals with the right technical [...]

5 recommended technologies for the development of SaaS management applications

By |2020-11-05T08:57:01+01:0031/01/2020|Transformación Digital|

Developing SaaS applications in the enterprise environment requires high standards to provide customers with the performance and security they need to trust their data and processing to a cloud platform. In Retain Technologies we develop a continuous R&D policy to apply the latest technologies in application development to our cloud asset management platform, Retain EAM. [...]

3 keys to address the digital transformation in the company

By |2020-08-05T12:47:55+02:0003/01/2020|Transformación Digital|

Digital technologies are rapidly and dramatically changing companies and business models in all industries around the world. Many organizations are traying to incorporate these advances to reap the benefits of these technologies. Another reason is that some of the competition is already adopting these solutions because what they do not want is to be left [...]

Can the digital transformation reduce business costs?

By |2020-11-05T08:50:07+01:0019/12/2019|Transformación Digital|

The digital transformation is an aspect that all business organizations are betting on to increase their growth and adapt to new market trends. Technology is a great ally to cut unnecessary expenses and keep the budget under control. The digital transformation and its convergence with digital strategies as a whole, covers the operational, strategic and [...]

Digital transformation of asset maintenance processes

By |2020-11-05T09:10:11+01:0013/12/2019|Asset management, Digital transformation, Transformación Digital|

The digital transformation allows companies to design asset maintenance processes in a much more efficient way. As the digital transformation advances within companies, all areas of operations are affected, including maintenance management. To remain competitive, asset managers need to know how these transformations will affect and potentially improve how companies manage their assets. The digitisation [...]

Digital technologies for business asset management

By |2020-11-05T09:02:09+01:0004/12/2019|Asset management, Transformación Digital|

The role of technology comes into play as organisations recognise the need to understand the efficient operation and condition of their assets as a starting point for planning of investment, renewal or diversification priorities. The use of digital technologies in enterprise asset management enables the capture of critical information relating to the operation and condition [...]

Key technologies for digital business transformation

By |2020-11-05T08:49:19+01:0022/11/2019|Transformación Digital|

With the emergence of the Internet and the development of new technologies, in recent decades companies have had to adapt their processes and even their business models to meet the new demands of their customers and to be competitive with digital native companies. The digital business transformation is the process of change that companies face [...]

Digital transformation to improve operational efficiency

By |2020-11-05T09:04:17+01:0020/11/2019|Asset management, Transformación Digital|

Digital transformation projects have often been and still are, seen as purely a technology initiative driven by the IT department. However, digital transformation is truly synonymous with the business transformation that drives growth and operational efficiency. New challenges for a digital world Organisations must update and implement new technologies, tools and platforms that are increasingly [...]

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